Digging Deeper Webinar

Jesus used the cunning skill of questioning to disciple. This webinar teaching will investigate this skill and provide tips for boosting our questioning abilities.


When we look at questioning, we find as an example, Christ had many wonderful questions. In fact, if we total up the questions of Christ in the New Testament, we find well over a hundred questions. The one there at the top is a wonderful common one that we remember, who do men say that I am?

And from this question he discipled. And he used that question to launch and to do many other things and so we wanted to mine this topic of questioning and how we might employ that as we talk to our mentees and as we help them. To give a little bit of a layout here today, you see, kind of the flow of things. We’re going to talk about questioning as a way of assessment.

We’re going to basically move through this arrow here and this evening, it’s really not going to take long, only at 10 minutes or so, and we’re going to go through assessment to responding with questions. And then prompting and a little bit of purpose. So, the intention here is to take about 10 minutes, 15 minutes or so to work our way through the content of tonight.

Then, Brother Arlan and I will do a little ad hoc role play where we try to flush out this in practice. And then at that point in time, we’ll open it up for questions and we’d be delighted to engage you at that level as well. So, let’s go ahead and begin. As we think about Christ and his questioning, he was brilliant in that.

And what do we have to learn? The first thing to think about when it comes to questioning is we assess through question. Questions wonderfully assess a situation. And what we’re doing when we assess is we really want to know the reality of the situation. So, we come into a mentor mentee relationship, and we first start with the basic presupposition is that I don’t understand completely, or I really don’t know what this person is going through or what the real issue is.

We kind of acknowledge that we don’t know. And so, our questions now lend themselves to assessment. We might start with open ended questions as opposed to closed ended questions would be one way to expand. We want to expand dialogue, not close it down. And so you can see the arrows there of our expansion we want conversation. And so open questions are a way to do that. Why we might ask a person, why is that so? Or can you explain more? Or in what ways is something true or something happening as opposed to, did you do this, or did you do that? And things where yes, no answers, are going to suffice.

So we start with open questions. And then we might go through a little bit of, we might go from general questions to exploring questions, to clarifying questions. And so what that might look like is, I might start with a general question with an individual, something very broad, something very general, that there’s really, it’s not, maybe not intimidating at all.

But as I listen to that open general question, I’m going to be listening for what I can explore. What are some stems that they use? What are some key words? Do I get a sense or get a feeling that something’s at play here? And then we might explore those a little bit differently. That might sound like, tell me a little bit more about that.

Or you might say, It sounds to me like such and such is important to you. Is that true? Or I noticed that you mentioned your brother a lot. Is he somebody that’s very special to you in some way or whatever? We pick up on some issues and then we explore them further and we look to clarify those and so we kind of mine a little bit and make some clarity on maybe what the issue might be that the individual is going through or dealing with or some of the thoughts and the feelings of this person. And, that kind of looks like a couple of different things. It could look like we could talk about, for example, facts.

What happened, and we talk about what happened or give me those details. We’re really talking about facts that occurred. And those are more surface type questions, but we’re trying to get a sense of what is real and what is not real. What is true and untrue? What is the reality? And then when we move in to talk about a person’s thoughts. What do you think about that would be a follow up question?

That, and now goes to a deeper level with a person. Now they’re not just saying what is. That’s very objective. Now they’re talking about their thoughts and what they’re thinking. And then you, as you can see there, their feelings. What does that make? How does that make you feel? Why do you feel that way?

Now we’re getting to some deeper, more vulnerable things down to the kind of the point of the spear being the soul, or who are you or how do you operate or what makes you tick so you can kind of get a sense of our conversations, really do this. With some people or strictly with facts and other people, we quickly go to the soul level.

But this is just a little bit of a calibration to kind of get a sense of questioning techniques, some key words that kind of indicate at what level we’re asking a person again, for what purpose? The reality of this person. What is true, what is going on? We don’t know what’s going on when we first talk to a person, and so these questioning skills help us expand the situation so that we can understand it well. At that point in time, we had used questioning to assess, see where they’re at, what’s going on.

So, we’re going to take and travel down this road here, this arrow. After that assessment has gone on, now we can think a little bit more about responding. So now we are responding to this person to the issue at hand to the reality that this person is going through. So what truth do we want to speak into their life?

Notice the arrows now are a little bit more constrictive. What are we’re doing now is we’re guiding with our questions. We want to ask questions that are thoughtful. We want to ask questions that help guide a person to the conclusion of truth. What we have here in that little box there on the guiding, we’ve got five different basic questioning types that are all examples of guiding. Okay. And we use these without really knowing that we’re doing it, but Jesus used these five repeatedly. Okay. So, I’m going to carefully unpack each one to kind of get a sense of what they are. So, the first one is, how does X compare with Y?

We’re really saying, we’re asking them a question to consider similarities, differences between things. That’s really what Jesus was doing with this first question. Because he says, who do men say that I am? And he sets them up that way. He assessed them to see who men says that he is. I remember like Peter or John or some of them say, well, some say you’re Elijah and others say you’re a prophet.

And then he quickly follows that question up with a guidance question. He quickly goes then to the guidance with a comparison. And he says, well then who do you say that I am? And so as soon as Jesus said, who do you say that I am? Then he sets both of those side by side. Am I Elijah or am I something more?

Am I a good man or am I something more? And now the disciples had to reconcile in their mind who was Jesus to them. And so Jesus used that as a wonderful example of comparison. Okay. Another example is definition. We might, that question might be what is that you’re speaking of?

So you mentioned you don’t feel peaceful. Okay. Or you lost your peace. Might be what something somebody says. That might be an opportunity where we define peace and ask them what do you mean by peace? And sometimes the asking of, what do you mean by peace will shed a lot of light. Instead of what we tend to do or what I tend to do is just tell them what peace should mean to them.

When we ask them, what is peace and how do you know that that’s been lost? We get a sense of their definitions, and those are critical. Those are critical for us to assess and know where they’re at, but also to know how they need to be guided. Some other key words might be somebody says, I feel shameful.

What is shame? And what, tell me a little bit more about that. Or, you might have somebody, let’s say who clearly has an issue with authority, you know, and so you might ask and probe what is authority? And you might discover by their definition that they have an erroneous view of authority or not quite a complete definition of authority.

But it at least helps us know that we’re using accurate, at least vocabulary, where we can communicate with one another on the same understanding. So Jesus did that. An example, you know, who is my neighbor, is a great example where he spends a great deal of time with the definition of who a neighbor is. The next one being circumstance.

What was happening at the time. So circumstances are key. And I, you know, parents, we know this, our kids might say to us, but so and so. It’s okay for so and so to do this. Why is it not okay for me to do this? And sometimes the answer to that is, in some circumstance, right, that they haven’t discerned that that other person is in a different circumstance, which warrants some behavior or some purchase or some something that they’re not discerning.

And so circumstance is a wonderful question. What is the circumstance that that person is in? What is the circumstance you are in. And our circumstances make a difference in life, right? So, that’s another example. Certainly, Christ’s behavior at the Last Supper is amazing, is very impactful because of the circumstance.

His serving his disciples by washing their feet, because of the circumstance that he was in and soon to die, makes that event all the more meaningful. So circumstance important. Number four is relationship. So, relationships, what will happen if this is a classic, if then question, where we help a person play out consequence.

Very often, very frequently I think we assume that people understand what consequences are going to happen. If they do x, y is going to happen, and often they don’t. And this is an exercise to help them, lead them through that. And we do that with our children as well. Well, if you do that, what can you expect?

Or, you know, you might say, you know, what are the possible outcomes if you make that decision? If you take that job, what could some possible outcomes of that be? Or are you prepared for a possible outcome with this proposal, right? If then and also allowing them to try to put connections together.

Why do you suppose you struggle with such and such is a relationship? It’s an if then it’s them linking together this happening with this result in my life. So relationships, if then. And then the final one, number five, is authority. This is why the people were so amazed that Jesus is teaching because he spoke with the authority above that, which the scribes and Pharisees could speak.

But really a great way to speak to authority and ask authority questions to our mentees is simply what does the Bible say about this? And allow them to consider the Scriptures and what are they thinking about the Scriptures or what does Jesus say about this would be another authority question.

Or you might say, what would your dad say about this or what would church leadership think about this and then following that up with, why do you think that is? Again, those are the open-ended questions that would guide discussion and allow us to guide a person in the way of truth.

One of the, I think, important components of questioning. There are some basic things that need to be in place in order for us to ask questions. One is, it takes time. Here tonight, we’re just rushing through these in 15, 20 minutes and a lot of times questions, you know, Jesus asks questions with his disciples over three years and if we are going to take a questioning approach with people, that means we have to be comfortable with time.

And that is probably the nemesis of asking questions. It’s much easier to say, well, let me tell you what you should do. Let me answer your question of what you should do and give you that counsel and tell you how to act, and sometimes that’s very appropriate and we need to do that. And so we’re not discarding that tonight at all, but we are bringing this awareness that yes, questions are kind of the long road, but here’s the reason why.

The long road says we want to prompt thoughts in our mentee’s mind that are going to give rise to the way they feel, which give rise naturally to their actions. Okay? And that is the natural progression on why we do what we do. If we, if you catch anybody doing anything, they will probably defend their actions based on some feeling they had, based on some thought that they had before that.

And so with questions, we have an opportunity and Jesus had an opportunity to posit thought. In his disciples’ minds that would bear out action. And that is really the definition of inspire. What it means when we inspire is we have a notion has taken hold that excites feeling and motivates us to action.

That’s what inspiring means. Anytime you’re inspired, a notion or a thought has inspired you, moved your feeling and given you inspiration to act. And that’s exactly what we want to do in our mentees. Right? And, really to look at what that looks like to answer this question of what you should do, which is seems to be kind of the brass tack question that every mentee has.

What should I do? We have these three steps. Repent, changing one’s mind to change one’s heart, so they know what to do. Thought, feelings, action. Now allow me to say something about repent, because I have used the word repent here a bit different than what we typically use the word repent in terms of Christianity, repenting of one’s sins, which is completely accurate. But I’m using the word repent here strictly by its definition, which says to change one’s mind.

For example, we repent a lot in the sense of what I’m saying. And let me give you an example. If I’ve got a hankering for pizza right now, and maybe I’m thinking I’m going to go home, and I hope Rebecca has pizza for me. And I might go through the door and find out, Oh, it’s not pizza, it’s pasta.

I have an opportunity to repent. Now that repentance is not going to be necessarily with tears. But what that repentance means is I’m changing my mind to say, not pizza. Huh? Oh, pasta. Okay. And then that bears out in my action. So that’s really what we’re speaking of with repent here. Now we talk to our mentees.

Yeah. Sometimes repentance, we’re talking about a sinful and we’re talking about remorse and sorrow, but sometimes as we steer people that repentance takes its flavor. But as Jesus always taught about repentance always. If it’s really true repentance, it will always bring a heart change, which always gives rise to an action.

Okay? So if I really, truly repent in my mind from pizza to pasta, I will say, oh, pasta is good. Boy, I’d like to have some pasta, and I’ll eat pasta. So that’s the way it looks. So with that, what we have done now, is we’ve stepped through this map, okay? Hopefully what we’ve gathered here this evening is the power of Christ and his questions, okay?

There’s so many of them, and how he assessed with those questions, how he guided with those questions to truth, and how those questions ultimately prompted and inspired towards action, all of this done in time. So Arlan, I’m going to ask you to come back on. I’m on Matt. All right. And so what we’re going to do at this time is we are going to role play.

All right? So I’m going to ask that you bear with us here, okay? We are going to take a situation. I am going to be the mentor, Arlan’s going to be the mentee and, we’re going to just play this out Now, what I intend to do is try to point out with my mouse here where you might see various questions and responses on this journey.

Now, I’ll say upfront that we’re going to oversimplify Arlan’s problems, we’re going to solve Arlan’s problems in five minutes. How’s that sound, Arlan? That sounds great. Perfect. And we’ll do it for anybody else who wants to volunteer. This is going to be an oversimplification. Okay. So, we get that, but we want to somehow, so what you’re going to hear, here in the next couple minutes would likely, could take months to go the cycle, but hopefully it will flush out a little bit more meaning to what we’re saying.

After this is finished, we’re going to unmute the mics and we’re going to take, I’ll stop the recording, we’ll unmute the mics, and then we’ll be able to have dialogue and answer what questions you have.

Okay. Arlan, how are you doing? You look tired. I am tired, Matt. I have been. I got a new job. I don’t know if you heard, but I’ve got a new job. They just promoted me to head chef at the restaurant. I did hear that. Congratulations. Yeah, and it’s great, it’s like a lifelong dream.

It’s like long hours and I feel like I never get to sleep because I’m working late at night and have to sleep in in the morning and then get back in there and stuff. So it’s exciting. It really is in many ways. I’m interested, you know, sleep’s important, Arlan and do you feel like it’s having an adverse effect on, on your life?

I mean, do you feel like that’s some of the issues you’re struggling with is lack of sleep? It could be, I mean, you always don’t think quite as straight when you’re tired. But I mean, my mom’s excited and my, and you know, it’s so, seems to be good. I mean, there’s, I don’t know, sometimes you just kind of wonder if it’s kind of like I got my dream, but I wonder if it’s all I ever wanted or not for sure.

Do you feel like Arlan, that you’re really working hard, pushing for some goals. I mean, is that really you feel driven to accomplish something? Is that what you really, what you haven’t, I mean, because being the head chef I think is tremendous. Is that not enough? Is there more? I mean, yeah. I mean, I was raised to work hard and to really kind of put my heart and soul into it and been trying to do it. I feel like God led me too. I mean, it’s a kind of a gifting that I have there. I just, it’s times when I just, I guess it’s hard to, I’ve always wanted people to, so I think I’m doing really well and like, I want to seek approval, I guess from people.

And I don’t know, maybe that gets me in trouble sometimes. No, that makes complete sense, and I can still identify with that. Arlan, you really put your finger on something, seeking approval. Why do you think that is? Do you know, I mean, I think we all need approval by people.

Do you, are you, do you feel like you’re more prone to that and why do you think so? I don’t know. I think I’ve always, I, it’s hard to kind of tell. I don’t know. I guess I always looked up to my dad and I always really cared about what he thought and, I don’t know. Sometimes I wonder if maybe this is not really what he, I mean, he’s not a chef, Matt, he’s kind of got his own kind of way of doing things and I don’t know what he thinks.

He doesn’t really say much. I’ve noticed that, you know, you mentioned that your mom and your brothers and sisters are excited, and then I noticed that you didn’t mention your dad with these comments. Now, does your dad disapprove of your job. I don’t, I don’t know if he disapproves, but it, I don’t know if I really feel like I’ve become what he wants me to become and it just kind of bothers me a little bit deep down kind of because it’s really important.

It’s like really valuable that I would make him happy, and I don’t know, I’m just kind of stirring right there, Matt. What are some of the feelings that this evokes? Makes me wonder if I’m focused on the right thing or if I’m kind of going down the right path, it makes me kind of feel like I can’t ever do enough to be good enough. I can feel a little bit insufficient or a little bit not good enough, I guess at times.

Arlan, I appreciate you sharing that. I mean, you’ve really been vulnerable in sharing that. Would you say that you have a bit of a crisis at the very maybe core of who you are? Sometimes we stay at an identity or something like that. Does that make sense? I mean, crisis seems like a big word but, I guess there are times when I wonder if I put all this energy and effort into this path and I feel like God was leading me down this path, and then I kind of, once I get it, I wonder if that’s what I should be doing. And how do you know, Matt, how do you know if you’re doing what God wants you to do?

Yeah. Would you say as well, Arlan, that right now your life a bit is defined by your success in this career if you really? Yeah. No, I mean, isn’t that kind of what we do, right? We work hard and we get a career and then that kind of is what we’re known as, right? We are, I’m a chef, I’m a master chef and that’s what I’m going to be known as in my life. Or is there something more?

No, I appreciate that, Arlan. I think that is key. I want you to think a little bit about a comparison here. What would you think the difference would be or the similarities of a person who would be so settled in their identity as in Christ and a person who’s solely identified in their career?

What do you think? Some of those differences? What differences does that raise? You mean? Yeah, as a Christian, I guess Christ doesn’t change. A career could change, or you could lose a career, or you could switch careers or something. And if that was how you viewed yourself, that could be troubling.

Whereas I think of Christ being more forever in someone’s life. I suppose that could be part of it.

What do you think your responsibility is to your dad? The Bible says to honor him and to respect him and to try to please, do what he would ask. So, I think that’s part of my responsibility to be obedient in honoring and respecting. Are you doing that?

I try to, yeah, I try to. I think so. Yeah, I try to be respectful and honoring. What do you think your dad’s biblical responsibility is for you? That’s a good question. I think he’s supposed to provide for me and teach me the Scriptures, point me to Christ, be kind of a model and a resource and encouragement for me.

Do you think that perhaps you have in your actions and the way you’ve processed this, that perhaps you’ve expected more of him than maybe with the Bible, and perhaps he’s expecting more out of you than what the Scriptures necessarily are saying. What do you think Jesus might say?

Yeah, could be. He would probably, Jesus would probably point us towards himself and making sure that our identity or who we are is kind of rooted in him first and everything else second. He would definitely want us to be obedient. You know, but yeah, I mean, I could have gotten it out of whack a little bit.

So how do I change. How do I change my actions? How do I change my behavior? So, I am more settled. Yeah. Arlan, in the Corinthians it says that our sufficiency is in Christ. What does sufficiency mean to you? Sufficiency would be that it’s everything I need to be whole. It’s what gives me the strength to do what I need to.

Yeah. And are you a believer? You’ve repented of your sins, you have the Holy Spirit in you, and you’re walking with God? Is that true? I have, I am. So you have that sufficiency, that gift is yours. It is, yeah. Is that sufficiency what perhaps you’re looking for?

It should be. I can see now as you kind of talk and put it that way, I mean, it should be. I think what I’m looking for, I suppose maybe I try to get too much out of what people think and worry a little bit too much. Even like my dad worries too much more about what he thinks instead of thinking more about what Christ thinks and realizing that he has, he is my sufficiency as he said.

Okay, so there was our attempt to fix the problem. At least, thank you for your patience with that. But at least try to illustrate along the way, and I’m sure, and hopefully you heard yourself in a lot of this conversation. You say these things, you ask these questions. This is not brand new.

Maybe we’re putting a little bit of term and definition to it, but I think it allows us to be a little bit more intentional as we engage with people to be thoughtful about the questions that we ask and patience to allow our mentees to prompt their thoughts and allow their thoughts to influence their feelings, and then their actions.

So, we’re going to, at this point, I’m going to go ahead and cut the recording and then I will turn off the mutes and we would love to hear some questions or some comments or some dialogue as it would be helpful. Okay. So, everybody, I believe I’ve got you unmuted. So, again, this would be an opportunity for questions.

I realized sometimes content comes in a whirlwind in a webinar. So, this is the time to get some clarification or ask or any sort of discussion. So does anybody have anything? Yeah, Matt? Yes. One question I have there. You talk about assessing, then we respond, yes. And then we prompt. What percentage of your conversation should be at the assessing level?

Is there a certain, I mean, do you spend a lot of your time there then the responding and the prompting is a lot quicker? Or is it, I guess, give me some ideas there. What would work there? I’m not going to give hard, fast percentages. I’m just going to give for my experience, Kent, and then Arlan and anybody else should chime in.

Is that Kent? Yes. Here’s your key, Kent. That’s not until you understand the reality, I think our tendency is to move along because we assume we understand reality. But my problem is, I look at a person and I assume I know. And I’m willing to move on and fix some problems before I’ve heard them.

And so in terms of my exercise, as I just tell myself I don’t understand, I don’t completely understand them, that there’s more for me to understand before I understand reality and err on the side of over assessment than under assessment, because that’s going to be my, I’m going to just do that naturally. And I would agree with that. The one thing I want to add into that thought stream is that one of the greatest gifts that you can give an individual is to listen and for them to feel heard. What many people are seeking in life is simply to feel heard by someone. And that really lines up more with that assessment piece where you are asking and seeking to understand where they are coming from.

And it ties in with relationship. If you have a deep relationship with someone, you can get through assessment pretty quickly and onto the next slide. But if it’s a newer relationship, it’s going to take more time to really seek to understand and build safety is another way to think about it.

And I think the tendency is, as Matt said, is my tendency as well, is I want to quickly jump into the fix it mode and it is wise for us to listen well before we try to fix and play that role good. Great question. Very good. Yep. Thank you.

Other thoughts on that or any other questions out there? I’ll throw one more thought out there. Go ahead. Somebody said something. I’ll put one more thought out there to think through too is with questioning. This is a question we get often with mentors, especially new mentors.

There’s a fear that someone would engage in this type of relationship as to how do I talk to someone? How do I ask questions? How do I have conversations? Where do I go with it? And you know, so on and so forth. And there is a reality that some people are better at questioning and getting to the heart of a matter than others.

And that’s a skill. And that skill can be learned, and it can be hopefully taught as we’re trying to do here a little bit. But I would say this, my encouragement to anyone who’s entering into a relationship is, we need to be comfortable with listening and with silence and with time. And Matt, you had said that earlier in the presentation, but these type of any relationship takes time, and it takes that ability to listen.

And some of us are more comfortable with silence than others. When I would teach teachers the most, the day that they hated the most is when we would try to have, I would try to have them do a discussion with the class, and I would ask them, and I would say things like, okay, you’re going to ask a question and then you’re going to wait.

If no one asks, says anything, you’re going to wait seven seconds before you respond or before you redirect that question in seven seconds is an eternity when you’re standing in front of a classroom of kids. Right, but we need to get comfortable with that type of a setting where you are willing to kind of patiently seek, to understand, seek to listen.

It goes a long way in a questioning type of role. Just the thought I had is listening to type of point, have a point to make also in this right here, and that is to here, I don’t, we have been somewhat trained, I think, as a student, to give an answer that we know the teacher wants. And so sometimes we ask questions and, that’s kind of a no, duh, answer.

And that’s where we really want to encourage them and don’t gimme the answer that can, or that, you know, I really want you. And sometimes, for them to say, I don’t know, is actually a really good sign to a teacher, it is, presuming that they’re saying that I don’t know. And they certainly don’t know because that now gives us a point to teach.

So, I don’t know what authority, I guess I don’t know how to define authority, or I don’t know. Okay. So now we have direction to say, okay, let’s work this concept out, or if it’s peace or I don’t know about that. That gives us direction. So don’t be afraid of, I don’t know.

And sometimes allowing our mentee to give, I don’t know, and feel like that’s a sufficient answer can be a helpful thing to do. Any other questions or thoughts out there from anything that was stirred up tonight? Arlan and Matt, this is James. Actually, this is very helpful. We appreciate this.

You know, it’s kind of hard to put this draft to memory, but it’s definitely, as we walk through it tonight, it just makes real practical sense. It’s just that, you know, and I appreciate your sharing that sometimes you have to be patient and wait, and that’s probably the hardest part, and jump into the conclusion that you know what the reality is.

In your mind, you might think you know what it is when it might not be that at all. So just being patient there and continuing to probe you get the reality.

Appreciate that. James.

I’ll enter in here too. This is Steve. It would be helpful for me if one of you could move the little cursor around when I’m talking to somebody.

No, this has been very helpful. Will we get this in a blow up or would be able to expand it so we can read the words on the arrow and stuff. Arlan, do you want to, we’re going to, Sure. Our intent is to, if we’re going to assume the recording went well, and then our intent would be to share the recording as the video.

So you’d have the video piece where it walks through it, and that would be on our website. And then also we can also send a link to the actual document, and you can actually play around with that document. You can zoom it in, you can move it. Okay, you can do all of that. So it’s, we should hopefully have that out there within a week or 10 days or so.

We’ll get that email out there and there’ll be a link to it. And then we’ll also have it on our video teaching portion of our website. Is where we put that. Okay. So, we’ll send this out. We can send this out as a link. Just be aware. So, it’s basically a big poster, so when you go to play with it, you can scroll in and out and zoom in and out.

There’s a little house right over here that will always bring you back to center, so you don’t get too dizzy. But, anyway, so be aware of those features, but then you’ll be able to peruse it however you like. Well, with that, thank you all again for being with us again. Hopefully we’ll chronicle this teaching.

Feel free to pass it on to some of the mentors that you know are working with people if you think it would be helpful or if you want to help walk through and do some teaching of your own to those who might benefit from it. Again, this is for your use and so we want to be able to help you with that.

Make sure any questions are answered that we possibly can and certainly are always welcome to contact us via email or any other way. But, as we close, I’ll just close, with prayer and with that we’ll adjourn the meeting and say goodnight. So, let’s pray together. Heavenly Father, it is inspiring to think that we might use some of the techniques that Christ undoubted used to speak life into disciples and we pray, Father, that would give us a mind and patience and the faith to ask good questions to our mentees Father, that would give them to think and to inspire action. Father, we pray Father, that Thou would bless the teaching tonight to our lives and to our effort, Father. We know that if it’s not equipped by the Holy Spirit and not sent by his power, then Father, there’s, we meet in vain. So Father, we realize and pray and call upon the power of the Holy Spirit to enliven this content to use, Father, bless each one that was here with us tonight. Lord, we honor Thee, and we praise Thee in all things in Jesus name, amen. Thank you all for taking time to join. Yep. Goodnight. Yep. Thank you.