Free Support Options for Dealing with OCD

When someone is struggling with OCD, there are few things as helpful as feeling understood and accepted by someone who “gets it.” Unfortunately, finding support and treatment for OCD can be a challenge. Sometimes individuals can’t afford treatment, while other times, individuals are seeking support in addition to their OCD treatment. Below are some options to consider.

OCD Challenge
The OCD Challenge website was designed by leading providers, researchers, and advocates in the field to help improve the lives of those who suffer with OCD. Through an interactive experience, you can customize the program to tackle your specific OCD symptoms. Allow the OCD Challenge to help you learn the skills and strategies needed to manage your OCD. Through each step of the program, you will confront your OCD and move toward positive change and a reduction in your symptoms. OCD Challenge uses the principles of exposure and response prevention therapy (ERP: the treatment of choice for OCD) to help the users confront and challenge their OCD. OCD Challenge is 100% FREE. Peace of Mind Foundation funds the OCD Challenge, making the program completely free to all users around the world.

Online and Phone OCD Support Groups
Online and phone OCD support groups can be a good way to get connected to others, especially when you are in a location in which there are few OCD treatment resources. Some support groups are general in focus (parenting and OCD) while others are very specific by the subtype of OCD.

My OCD Community @ HealthUnlocked
My OCD Community is a free, online peer-to-peer forum for members to share their OCD experiences. The community is a safe space that allows you to post a question and get answers from members of the forum, share your OCD journey, connect with others, and contribute to ongoing conversations – all from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. It is administered and monitored by the International OCD Foundation.

OCD Apps
More and more smartphone apps are becoming available to address mental health concerns. At this link you can find information and reviews of some apps for helping overcoming OCD.