Resiliency in the Ministry

  • This 2 hour, in-person session focuses on what resiliency is and why it is essential for those in the ministry.
  • We learn about risk factors that lower resilience and fuel burnout and how Satan takes advantage of them.
  • We discuss the characteristics of resilient people and how to grow in some of these skills and disciplines.

Further Information

Resiliency in the Ministry Webinar
The Gospel both sends us to ministry and cradles us in it. In this audio slide show we share how the Gospel is central to our resiliency. It allows us to rest. It is the source of our self-care. In addition, it is the means by which we care for our families.

5 Keys to Resilience and Wellness in the Ministry
This article reviews the five keys to resilience and wellness: Spiritual Formation, Personal Stewardship (self-care), Emotional and Cultural Intelligence, Marriage and Family, and Leadership and Management.

Stages of Change
We often think that changing behavior is a simple “yes-no” decision. However, the reality is more complicated than that. Learn how understanding can affect our personal behavior change as well as influence how we can best support others.