Redeeming Transitions Podcast Episodes

Part 1 

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Unwelcome circumstances landed Jacob in Bethel, an uncomfortable place. He happened upon this desperate place as he fled from his brother Esau. This in-between place was desolate, an unsettled place of transition. No doubt it marked a new low in Jacob’s life. However, God had other plans for this transition. He met Jacob there and redeemed it. This is the first of three episodes in the Redeeming Transitions series.  Ted Witzig Jr., interviewed by Matt Kaufmann, speaks to the issue of transitions. Hope is offered as we see how God intends to redeem our transitions as he redeemed Jacob’s.

Part 2

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Jacob had just made hash of his family relationships. Bethel was his place of transition, a backdrop that was undesired and unfamiliar to Jacob. While he was there, God spoke to him and said that “all the families of the earth will be blessed” through him. God uses Jacob’s transitional spot as a redemptive moment in Jacob’s life. In this episode Ted Witzig Jr. and Matt Kaufmann explain two redemptive lessons out of the story of Jacob. First, God intends our transitions to be a launching pad for the blessing of others and second, we are not the product of the backdrop of our circumstances.

Part 3 

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From a pillow of stones to a pillar for worship, Jacob’s transition was redeemed. In like manner, God would like our transition to be a springboard for worship. Episode 3 concludes the Redeeming Transitions series by introducing two more redeemable qualities of transitions – transitions elicit worship and transitions teach us about ourselves.

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Further Information

Redeeming Transitions
Transitions matter in mapping the story of our lives as every event on our personal timeline is a transition. Read more in this article.

Change & Transition Sunday School Lessons
Life is full of change. In these Sunday School lessons, students will learn and understand how change and transition can affect us all, and how God wants to redeem these moments for something greater. These lessons are written for different age levels and can be used by teachers to build discussion and understanding around this biblical truth. [ACCFS]