Porn Landscape: An Overview

In 2016 staff from ACCFS attended the Set Free Global Summit international conference which examined the church’s understanding and reaction to the reality of pornography as it exists in society and the church today. Conclusions from the Barna Group’s 2015 research study – The Porn Phenomenon were the statistical groundwork which framed up the talking points for the conference. This study surveyed 2771 participants and garnered data on pornography use. The four-day conference consisted of expert psychologists, statisticians, apologists, neurologists, pastors, and activists addressing the landscape of pornography in our culture and in Christian churches. The facts provided in this pdf overview are a few “high points” intended to begin to paint the current cultural picture of pornography pervasiveness.

To view the complete PDF summary, click here.

For Further Information:

When a Man’s Eye Wanders: Breaking the Power of Pornography
This booklet discusses the factors that lead men into pornography use and shares a pathway to freedom. [ODB Ministries]

Your Brain on Porn
This resource shows 5 proven ways pornography warps your mind and 5 biblical ways to renew it. [Covenant Eyes]