Women’s Resources

Providing solid, biblical content for females of all ages is vital as our culture pushes into our view of what femininity should and should not be. This list of resources, while not meant to be exhaustive, was collected from contacts in several different churches, and it offers a variety of options for learning and leaning into the God’s truths.

Devotions for Young Girls (12+)

Lies Young Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free   amazon.com
Author: Nancy Leigh DeMoss Wolgemuth, Dannah Gresh
Ever since Eve, women have been swallowing Satan’s lies—and so have their daughters. Best-selling authors Wolgemuth and Gresh offer fresh insights on the twisted messages about God, guys, appearance, and sexuality that our media-driven culture feeds young women. Equip your 13- to 17-year-olds to liberate themselves from deception—and embrace God’s truth. 208 pages, softcover from Moody.

Dear Girl Devotional: 31 Day Devotional for Girls
Author: Well-Watered Woman Co.
Dear Girl is a 31-day devotional for middle and high school-aged girls written by a diverse group of women from across the country who invest in teenage girls regularly. It covers topics like identity, friendship, gossip, mentorship, grades, family, and more! The heart behind this devotional is to encourage girls to live for Christ in their teenage years and to learn from godly women who have gone before them. Most importantly, we pray that it encourages girls to fall in love with Jesus     Christ and His Word above all else.

Developing a Quiet Time Bible Study
Author: Not Consumed Ministries
Teach your kids how to have a quiet time with this Bible study. Designed to give them a solid foundation, Developing A Quiet Time helps kids learn HOW to spend time with God and WHY they should make it a consistent habit. During their 28 days of study, kids will learn what the Bible has to say about this topic, how a daily quiet time will affect their lives, and a simple way to spend their time with God. This Bible study is available in 2 age levels that fit together perfectly. Each lesson has a consistent key truth, key scripture, and central theme no matter what age level your kids are working in. Junior (ages 8-12) and Youth (ages 13+) can be done independently.

Who Calls Me Beautiful?  amazon.com
Author: Regina Franklin
This book skillfully chips away at the facade of femininity—the belief that a woman’s body is more important than her character. Patiently pointing to Scripture, the author convincingly argues true beauty starts inside and radiates outward.


Women’s Studies

Learning to Tell Myself the Truth  amazon.com
Author: William Backus
This workbook is a 6-week program designed to bring immediate and long-lasting results to the way a person thinks, feels, and acts. It is to help bring freedom from anger, anxiety, depression, and perfectionism. Utilizing the resources of the Christian faith, this stand-alone workbook is designed to provide readers with the directive tools to implement truth therapy into their lives. Through self-evaluation, growth exercises, and the spiritual discipleship unique to a workbook, readers will be enabled to identify their own misbeliefs and replace them with the truth.

None Like Him: 10 Ways God is Different Than Us (and Why That’s a Good Thing) 
Author: Jen Wilkin
As people with limited understanding, we tend to imagine a heavenly Father who is like us. But popular blogger Wilkin reminds us that our Creator possesses many attributes we don’t—and that’s a good thing! Take a closer look at the God who is infinitely knowable, creative, able to provide, timeless, unchanging, powerful, wonderful, and more. 176 pages, softcover from Crossway.

Calm My Anxious Heart 
Author: Linda Dillow
Women worry a lot! We’re concerned about our children, friends, careers, spouses—and the list goes on. If you’re tired of being held hostage to “what ifs,” Dillow’s 10-week Bible study will provide the help you need to exchange your anxieties for godly peace and contentment. Now revised and updated for a new generation of readers. 256 pages, softcover from NavPress.

Idol Lies: Facing the Truth about Our Deepest Desires 
Author: Dee Brestin
Every woman longs for security, happiness, and love, yet many settle for weak substitutes like control, materialism, sex, and food. Using biblical examples and personal experiences, Brestin reveals the hidden idols that destroy a woman’s heart. You’ll learn how to move past your self-destructive cravings and enter into freedom through Jesus. Includes a study guide for further reflection.

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World
Author: Joanna Weaver
The life of a woman today isn’t really all that different from that of Mary and Martha in the New Testament. Like Mary, you long to sit at the Lord’s feet…but the daily demands of a busy world just won’t leave you alone. Like Martha, you love Jesus and really want to serve him…yet you struggle with weariness, resentment, and feelings of inadequacy.
Then comes Jesus, right into the midst of your busy Mary/Martha life—and he extends the same invitation he issued long ago to the two sisters of Bethany. Tenderly he invites you to choose “the better part”—a joyful life of “living-room” intimacy with him that flows naturally into “kitchen service” for him.
How can you make that choice? Now updated with a new 12-week companion Bible study, Weaver shows how all of us—Marys and Marthas alike—can draw closer to our Lord, deepening our devotion, strengthening our service, and doing both with less stress and greater joy.

Having a Mary Spirit 
Author: Joanna Weaver
We long to serve God with grace and strength, to reflect Christ in every word and action. Yet we find ourselves continually struggling to bring that vision to life in our daily walk. At the very core, every one of us is a “twisted sister” within whom the flesh and spirit battle constantly for control. We are afflicted with spiritual schizophrenia, the disconnect between our “good girl” desire to put Jesus first and our “bad girl” realities that crowd our thoughts and push him out of the way. In Having a Mary Spirit, Weaver, author of the bestseller Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, directs your gaze past your own shortcomings to the God who stands ready, willing, and able to make a new woman out of you. She equips you with biblical insights and practical tools to partner with Christ, inviting him into the hidden places of your soul and giving him full permission to redeem and renovate. Drawing on the stories of biblical Marys and others whose experience with God transformed their lives, Weaver shows how you can find the hope, healing, wholeness, and joy your heart longs for. Includes a 12-week Bible study for both individual reflection and group discussion.

Lies Women Believe 
Author: Nancy Leigh DeMoss Wolgemuth
“God doesn’t love me.” “I’m not worth anything.” “There’s no hope for my marriage.” These are just a few of Satan’s lies—and believing them can have terrible consequences! Exposing over 40 destructive falsehoods, Wolgemuth shows you how to fight back with the Word of God—and walk in his victorious truth. 320 pages, softcover from Moody.

The Practice of Godliness 
Author: Jerry Bridges
How can we develop a character that’s steadily transformed into Jesus’ likeness? By laying an inward foundation of God-centeredness! Discover how to seek a deeper devotion to the Lord; train yourself to be godly; clothe yourself in Christ; cultivate humility, contentment, thankfulness, joy, self-control, peace, love, and other fruits of the Spirit; and more. Now includes a discussion guide for personal or group use. 304 pages, softcover from NavPress.

Respectable Sins 
Author: Jerry Bridges
Abortion, adultery, violence—it seems the big sins grab all the headlines. But what about jealousy, selfishness, greed, and “little” faults we live with every day? Opening our eyes to the spiritual dangers of “acceptable” transgressions, Bridges urges us to thoughtfully examine our lives and turn away from more subtle negative behaviors. Includes study guide. 296 pages, softcover from NavPress.

Worn Out Woman: When Life is Full and Your Spirit is Empty   
Author: Steph Stephens, Alice Gray
Ever feel so stressed out you want to drop out? If your answer is “every day,” this book is for you! Stephens and Gray offer practical ways to “unclutter” your life by limiting your commitments, identifying your gifts, dealing with emotions, nurturing your spirit, cultivating friendships, and protecting your dreams in a fast-paced world. 224 pages, softcover from Multnomah.

A Woman of Beauty  amazon.com
Author: Dee Brestin
Through a study of 1st, 2nd and 3rd John, women learn what it takes to be a Woman of Beauty. Participants discover the benefits of fellowshipping together, and how to lean on their sisters in Christ growing in love, confidence, and spiritual strength.

Becoming a Woman of Excellence  amazon.com
Author: Cynthia Heald
Being a woman isn’t always easy. Society pressures us to find our worth by achieving excellence in our appearance, our careers, and our family lives. But this form of success can often lead to anxiety and burnout. God also beckons us to be women of excellence―but what does that look like? If you’re hungry for God’s perspective, and if you long to be free of societal pressures, you will be deeply fed and refreshed by the truth in these pages. Challenging and encouraging, this bestselling topical Bible study will lead you through Scripture and offer practical guidance on becoming a woman of excellence for the glory of God, regardless of your stage in life.

True Spirituality: Becoming a Romans 12 Christian 
Author: Chip Ingram
Christians today live in a world that is activity-heavy and relationship-light. The result is spiritual emptiness. We struggle to know what God wants FROM us and FOR us …. and we’re unsure what a real relationship with God really looks like. This was never God’s idea! HIS idea of faith isn’t about rules or religion – it’s about relationship. In Romans 12, God gives us a clear picture of what Christians should look like at the root level. If you’re ready to move beyond the motions of religion and experience a real relationship with God, your journey begins here.

Armor of God   
Author: Priscilla Shirer
As a believer in Jesus, you are in an invisible war every day. It’s unseen and unheard, but it affects your life and everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny. Jesus has not left you unarmed, and the enemy always fails when he meets a woman properly dressed. The Armor of God, more than merely a biblical description of the believer’s inventory, is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory.

Seamless: Understanding the Bible as One Complete Story 
Author: Angie Smith
Seamless will help replace the insecurity that holds you back with clarity and helping you move forward with confidence in their understanding of Scripture. Each week of study features key information that ties all of Scripture together into the seamless truth of the gospel message and is accompanied by maps, general Bible facts, and word studies. Also available in a young girls’ version.