Be Still & Know Podcast Episodes

Part 1

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Being still should be easy. After all, it is the absence of effort. It is not work but rest. It is not noise but quietness. Why then is it so hard to do? While our gadgets, gizmos, culture and hurried lives present drag to this spiritual discipline, the true value of the practice lies in faith. In this episode Matt Kaufmann interviews Brian Sutter on cultivating the discipline of spiritual quietness.

Part 2

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Meditating on the Word is widely encouraged in the Scripture. What does it look like and how is it practiced? As we reclaim the noise and distractions in our lives to rest and quietness, episode 2 provides some examples and illustrations around the discipline of meditation.

Part 3

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Being still helps us know God. Knowing God helps us to be still. And when we are, we identify with the rest of God. Such rest is a theme of the Bible. In this episode Brian Sutter and Matt Kaufmann conclude a three-part series on being still and knowing God.

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