Mood & Anxiety Disorders During Pregnancy & Postpartum

Studies show that mood and anxiety disorders occur in up to 1 in 5 pregnant women. Also, for those who have previously been treated for depression or anxiety, sometimes their symptoms can worsen during pregnancy or the postpartum period. Often pregnant mothers or mothers who are recently postpartum, feel that they are simply weak or are flawed because they are dealing with these symptoms. Unfortunately, this can lead these women to stay isolated and delay their getting the support and help they need and deserve. Christian churches can offer support and encouragement to young mothers going through these struggles. While there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution, there is help and hope! Sometimes women dealing with depression or anxiety withhold themselves from treatment because they don’t want to harm the baby. However, remember that untreated depression and anxiety are not healthy for the mother. Ensure that your healthcare practitioners know what you are going through and get their support. Supportive counseling is also highly recommended.

Mental Health During Pregnancy

Psychiatric Disorders During Pregnancy
This link provides up-to-date information on the treatment of mental disorders during pregnancy. [Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Women’s Mental Health]

Postpartum Depression

Postpartum Depression and the Baby Blues
This site discusses the symptoms of postpartum depression, how it differs from the baby blues, as well as treatment and support options available. []

Postpartum Psychiatric Disorders
This link provides up-to-date information on the postpartum blues, depression, and psychosis and their treatment. [Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Women’s Mental Health]

Postpartum OCD

Videos about Postpartum OCD [Peace of Mind Foundation]

Perinatal OCD Resource Center from IOCDF
Perinatal OCD (often called “postpartum OCD” or “maternal/paternal OCD”) is a legitimate mental health condition that can be experienced by parents during the pregnancy period and/or after the baby’s birth. This resource center includes information about what perinatal OCD is, how it’s treated, information for loved ones, information for clinical providers, and resources to help navigate life and care for those affected.  Remember — you are not alone! You are not a bad parent for living with perinatal OCD, and there is hope and help available for you. [IOCDF]

Breastfeeding and Psychiatric Medications 

Breastfeeding & Psychiatric Medications
This link provides up-to-date information on breastfeeding and psychiatric medications (e.g., antidepressants, mood stabilizers, etc.). [Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Women’s Mental Health]

Intensive Perinatal Psychiatric Treatment Programs
This link from Postpartum Support International lists Inpatient, Partial Hospitalization, and Intensive Outpatient Psychiatry programs specializing in caring for women and their babies during the perinatal (i.e., pregnancy through postpartum) period.