The Pain of Infertility Podcast Episodes

Infertility is a private loss many couples experience. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Tyler and Casey Zimmerman share their story. Their journey will accent the uniqueness of the infertility pain. It will resonate with the losses that are common among us and it will heighten God’s unique and common love to all his children.

Part 1 of 2

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Part 2 of 2

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Like a fingerprint, infertility pain is common to all sorts of pain and yet unique.

  • Infertility is a private pain. “People have no idea of my pain.”
  • Infertility struggles to have closure. “It impacts every phase of life.”
  • Infertility pain is cyclic. “Maybe next month?”
  • Infertility grief is ambiguous. “I’m grieving what might have been, but I don’t know what that even is.”
  • Infertility can produce shame. “Why is God keeping children from us?”
  • Infertility has administrational headaches. “Why won’t insurance cover this treatment?”
  • Infertility treatment intrudes on your privacy. “Do you really need to know that?”
  • Infertility robs normalcy. “Everything about getting and having kids is different. The announcement, the baby shower, the experience, is different.”


  • Infertility, like all pain, is seen by God.
  • Infertility, like all pain, is best cared for in a loving community.
  • Infertility, like all pain, can be that place where we meet God.

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Further Information

Pregnancy Loss
This article gives advice and information for those who are experiencing pregnancy loss and those who are walking alongside them.