Truth Talk

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”- Proverbs 23:7

Truth talk is a tool to help you build godly, healthy self-talk. It takes only a few minutes to read the text or listen to the audio. ACCFS counselors frequently recommend that individuals read/listen to Truth Talk on a regular basis. It can help you to identify your negative self-talk and give you a healthy alternative. Try it daily for a week or two and see if you notice a difference!

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I have put my hope and trust in the God of the Bible who is all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving and will be present with me no matter where I go. His unchanging love for me was demonstrated through the cross, where He gave His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for me. His desire now is that I live as the chosen son/daughter that I am. My relationship with Him is to be based in His grace and truth alone. Therefore, today I choose to reaffirm His truth over my life.

The truth is, my worth is based firmly in my identity in Christ and the fact that God has adopted me into His family. I have been hand-picked and specifically chosen to lead a life of integrity, purpose, meaning and service to others. Through God’s power and will, I am able to accomplish everything that I am supposed to do. I am uniquely equipped. I am ready to learn and grow in new ways.

I acknowledge that growth is about progress, not perfection.

I am capable and willing to take whatever steps of direction He gives me this day. I will not be afraid to follow Him because He is trustworthy and His plans for me are perfect. I will not be intimidated by what I don’t know because His wisdom and guidance are available to me.

Today, I will not allow my past mistakes to control my mood because I am forgiven by God. I will not allow my shortcomings and weakness to shackle me because I am empowered by God. When I am wrong, I will freely admit it and seek forgiveness, but will be careful to remind myself that I am still loved, valued, and making progress. When I am wronged, I will extend forgiveness and refuse to harbor a grudge.

Today, I will not allow other people to define my mood, method, image or person. I will not put myself under the bondage of trying to earn the approval of others around me since I already have God’s approval. I will not take responsibility for someone else’s happiness but will love and serve others after the example of Christ’s love and service to me.

Today, I will have no time for self-pity, gossip, or negativism from myself or others. No matter what the circumstances I face today, God is present; therefore, I have hope. No matter what challenges I face today, God has the wisdom and the power I need to face them; therefore, I have confidence. No matter what challenges I face today, God is leading my life; therefore, I know that my tomorrows are going to be incredible.

Today, because of Christ’s work in me I have every reason to feel good about myself, my capabilities, my life and my future. Therefore, I will not listen to any messages to the contrary…from myself or others. Instead, I will choose joy and peace. This is going to be a great day!
–Author Unknown

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Truth Talk Audio 

For Further Information:

True Guilt/False Guilt Graphic
True guilt leads to recognition of our need for Jesus and the reality that His work on the cross is sufficient. True guilt leads to pursuing Jesus and therein finding hope. On the other hand, false guilt leads to an endless cycle of shame, hopelessness, and despair.

speak truthWhat to Do When Good Enough Isn’t Good Enough: The Real Deal on Perfectionism
Author: Thomas S. Greenspon, Ph.D.
This 137-page book can help parents and children alike in managing the pros and cons of perfectionism. Designed for children around the ages of 9-14 to be able to read themselves, this book can also be an effective parent user manual by helping parents know how to understand and appropriately guide their perfectionist-type child.