Biblical Financial Stewardship Sunday School Lessons

The Bible speaks plentifully on the topic of money and financial stewardship. It is one of the most commonly focused themes in the Scriptures. As such, it is wise to begin its study at an early age. This set of High School lessons was developed by Todd Stoller and is meant to be used in conjunction with the Biblical Financial Study Student Manual listed below. These lessons, presented in a PowerPoint format, can be used to facilitate discussion and teaching in order to increase our understanding of God’s standards and expectations for our relationship with money.

Lesson Overview:
Lesson 1: Root of Riches- It starts in the heart.
Lesson 2: God’s Part- The Lord is the owner of all.
Lesson 3: Our Part- Faithful Stewardship
Lesson 4: Work- Work diligently as unto the Lord.
Lesson 5: Debt- Debt is slavery. Borrowing from your tomorrows to pay for your todays.
Lesson 6 & 7: Honesty/Counsel
Lesson 8: Investing- Consistency

Biblical Financial Stewardship Sunday School Lessons Handout

Biblical Financial Stewardship Sunday School Lessons PPT