Child’s Play Podcast Episode

Play lies at the center of life for a child, and it should. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Amy Mammadov, a speech language pathologist, along with Brian Sutter, shine light on this important aspect of human growth and development. Additionally, parents should encourage, teach, evaluate and share in the

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Helping our Kids Explore their Identity Podcast Episode

Exploration is a prerequisite to having a settled identity. For parents with kids unsettled and exploring, this can be a frightening time. What role do we play in the exploration process? In this episode of Breaking Bread, Kathy Knochel and Brian Sutter will help us sort it out.

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Three Ingredients for Cherishing Your Spouse

We often talk about the importance of love and deep commitment in marriage – foundational aspects for marriage. Yet how often have you considered we are also called to cherish our spouse? In Ephesians 5:29-30, Paul writes, “For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth

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Lessons from my Left Hand

We all know that the body is made up of different members. Members one of another. The hand needs the foot. The eye needs the ear. But even more profound than these examples is the uncommon humility that my non-dominate left hand has with my dominate right. Similar in frame

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Bible with cell phone

Stewarding Our Attention Podcast

Attention is currency. It has purchasing power. No one needs to explain this to Facebook, Instagram and Snap Chat of course. But for those of us who spend our attention a little here and a little there, we may be surprised to discover attention is not just petty cash. In

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Technology And Our Heart

Technology in today’s world is integrated into many aspects of our lives. Apps keep us up to date. Devices keep us connected to loved ones and our church family. Work tasks are increasingly done remotely via online meetings. Consider the role of technology in your life in light of the

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