Spiritual Union Activities

As a given, each husband and wife are encouraged to be reading the Word (Psalm 1:1-2), constant in prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17), consistent in attending church (Hebrews 10:25), and devoted to serving the Lord and others (Matthew 5:16). While most couples understand the importance of regular spiritual activities like the ones below, figuring out how to regularly practice them together can be difficult.

NOTE: Each couple is encouraged to find what works best for them as a couple. Not all couples will (or should) do this the same. As long as the right “ingredients” are being used, each couple has latitude to find the right “recipe.”


 Bible Devotion Survey: We each take in the scriptures differently. By understanding how your spouse processes scripture, you can better minister to the other through the Word.

Speaking the Gospel: There is no other message more encouraging than the Gospel. When we speak the Gospel into the lives of our spouses, we encourage them in the truest sense.


 Worship through Playlists: Let your spouse in on your personal worship moments from the week. Take turns playing favorite hymns and spiritual songs from your playlist.

Beholding His Glory: Worship can be understood as turning our face toward God. How do you turn your face toward Him?


  Bible-Inspired Prayer: Praying together can become mundane, routine and shallow. We fall into patterns and make overused and vague requests. Enliven the content of our prayers by using Bible prayers to fuel our prayer life as a couple.

Make a Prayer Jar: Often the many things for which we should pray overwhelm us. Create a prayer jar. During your prayer time together, pull out prayer slips and pray accordingly.


Serving Together: You and your spouse have been uniquely created, gifted and molded by God. Together you serve God out of the overlap of your design.

Home – The Mission Field: Brainstorm ways your home can be a mission field. Who could be potentially ministered to by being invited into your home? Acts 18:26


 Story Telling: Mankind has, for centuries, benefited from the telling and hearing of stories. Bonfires and front porches have been the stage for many stories and the forging of relationships. Make connections with your family, friends, church and neighborhood by telling stories. My Story Booklet

 Learn about Each Other: We seldom ask the simple questions in order to learn more about our spouses. Here are a few ideas to help you get started.

For the complete PDF packet, click here.

For the complete booklet, click here.

Further Information

Developing Spiritual Union in Marriage
Designed to strengthen your spiritual union in your marriage. This article identifies potential threats to the beauty of spiritual oneness in your marriage as well as looks at practical ways to grow this important and vital spiritual intimacy in your marriage relationship.